Monday, September 17, 2007

Wireless sharing of dial-up connection

In my case the dial-up device is a usb CDMA modem (using the Norwegian ICE network). My setup consists of a laptop running winxp, a modem (Anydata), and a wireless router. If your dial-up is installed and working correctly, you may skip the first two steps.

  • Install the usb modem driver on the laptop (don't bother installing the dialer software).
  • Setup a new dial-up connection (from Control Panel/Internet Connections/add) using the configuration data found here.
  • Enable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on the dial-up and bind it to the wired network interface. (Note that ICS turns the laptop into a DHCP server, however this is not of much use in this case since we will use the wireless router.)
  • Connect the wired interface to the wireless router.
  • Configure the router to use static ip (not sure if this is a requirement but other guides recommended this setting). Use as the IP and as the default gateway and use the same DNS settings as the dial-up found issuing a "ipconfig /all" on the laptop.
  • Make sure to adjust the the power settings on the laptop so that it won't go into stand-by mode.